Friday, March 26, 2010


1. What did you learn about the Crusades that you didn't know before the Crusade lesson? 2. What was the most interesting thing that you learned about the Crusades? 3. Do you think that the Crusades accomplished what they were trying to accomplish? Why or why not?


  1. (1) I learned that there were 11 different crusades, (2) and one was comprised of kids, which was very strange. (3) No, most of the crusades failed.

  2. 1. I learned that there were so many, just to get Jerusalam.
    2. They had people from upper and lower classes in it.
    3. Yes, because they got what they wanted in the end, even tho it took them forever.

  3. I learned what the crusades were, what the point was-to regain the holy lands. The most interesting thing would probably be.. The death of all the children in the Children's Crusade. It was devastating, but interesting at the same time. I'm not sure if the Crusades accomplished what they were MEANT to accomplish. The sure accomplished something. I don't know, too much fighting.

  4. 1.) All the crusades were extremely harsh, and I really didn't think that people would make such a big deal over a little piece of land. Even if it is historical.
    2.) That they actually spent over hundreds of years fighting about something so small, as a piece of land.
    3.) No, they killed a whole bunch of people to get even the slightest bit of land.. and still ended up with nothing.

  5. 1.) I learned that the Crusades were holy wars against Christians, and Muslims. I also leaned that it was mainly fought with the French and English people.
    2.) The most interesting topic I learned about the Crusades was the Children's Crusade, and how it was fought by the children.
    3.) I believe the Crusades, in the long run, did not accomplish what was intended. I think this because we are still fighting over who the land belongs to.

  6. 1.) I learned about what happened in all the different crusades. 2.) I thought it was really weird how children fought for the holy land. Now a days I don't think most children care all the much about religion. 3.) I don't think that the crusades accomplished much. Not one group is going to be able to "own" the holy land.

  7. I didn't know much about the crusades. I learned that people were crazy over Jerusalem. Some still are today. The most interesting thing I learned would be that religion was huge and it's changed so much from today. You don't see people that are in to religion as much as they did back then. I don't think the crusades accomplished much. They only really showed how passionate they were about their religion.

  8. 1. I learned about when the crusades began.
    2. The most interesting I learned about the crusades That people fought for religion.
    3. yes and no. I think I accomplished but sometimes they failed at what they were doing.

  9. 1) I learned that there was more then just one crusade...there were nine. 2) I learned that all the fighting was over the city of Jeruselum. 3) No, because most of the cruades didn't win and they just killed a lot of people in the process.

  10. 1. the crusades were about regaining the holy lands.
    2. i thought the most interesting thing was the most interesting is how many people died
    3. no they just killed a lot of people

  11. 1. I learn there is many crusades and there was 11 groups.
    2. The children's crusade and wonder why they kill themselves.
    3. No they didn't because they all died before they got there

  12. 1. i learned when and why the crusades began
    2. that the children could get that many of them and do that much being just kids and no one tried to stop them.
    3.No because most of them got defeated thats why there were so many crusades in the first place

  13. 1. I learned that the Crusades were large religious attacks against Jerusalem and other Jewish and Muslim capitals.
    2. Most of the Crusades failed to accomplish what they set out to do, or the accomplishments were lost soon after.
    3. No, because Jerusalem was never permanently conquered by the Christians.

  14. ~Skyler Matthias~

    1. What the crusades really were. I didnt know a thing about the crusades or even about King Louis 9. I didnt know who that was but he was a big deal to a few of the crusades. . . 2. The most interesting was probably about the struggle King Louis had to go through. Being him would have sucked because he failed on both the crusades he ran. . . 3. Definatelly not the crusades I looked at. They didnt get to do anything because they failed.

  15. 1) I learned that there were a lot of crusades. I didn't realize before how many there were.
    2) I thought it was interesting to see how they all fought for Jerusalem and for their religions.
    3) Not really. Most of the crusades failed and way to many people died.

  16. 1. During the crusades project I learned that their is eleven crusades, at first I thought their was only one crusade.
    2. The most interesting thing I learned about the crusades are that one of them was led by a twelve year old boy.
    3. No because some of them were trapped and had to surrender.

  17. 1. I didnt know what there were so many crusades it really suprized me
    2. a lot of kids fought in the war but they were all really young i dont know how they did it
    3. I think they wanted to take over the holy lands and own Jerusalem and it didnt happen

  18. 1. There were a lot of crusades! I learned when and where they began.
    2. There were so many children that died in the Children's Crusade. Also a lot of people died in every crusade.
    3. Some of the crusades accomplished what they want. Most of them didn't accomplish anything though.

  19. 1. I haven't ever head of the crusades. But I have learned that they buildings are very elegant and princess like.
    2. Well I'm going to have to say that the most interesting thing I have learned is how the children fought, I think thats really interesting and brave.
    3. No, because most of the crusades were not secsesful.

  20. 1. I learned what the Crusades were, and what the purpose of them are. I also learned who some of the important people were in them.

    2. I didn't find much interesting about the Crusades. But I thought that it was really cool that there was a Children's Crusade. I thought that was crazy that so many kids left and did what this one kid said.

    3. Half the time it seemed like the Crusades were pointless, and stupid. I don't think they accomplished much.

  21. 1.)I learned that there were 11 crusades. 2.) The most interesting thing that I learned was that the fighting in the holy land started in the crusades and is still going on today. 3.) no because there were so many people that died and nobody got any more land then they already had.

  22. 1) I learned that there were 11 different crusades all to get Jerusalem for the most part. The Albigensian crusade was a little different but it was still about Jerusalem.
    2) I learned all the start times and what they were for.
    3) I do not think that the crusades accomplished their goal. They killed a ton of people all to get some holy land, yeah it's holy and important to their religion, I just don't think it was worth killing all of the people.

  23. 1. I learned that there were 11 crusades Crusades 1-9 albigensians and Childerens.
    2. The most interesting thing that I learned about the crusades is that they all attempted the same thing going to Jerusalem.
    3. Some of the crusades accomplished what they wanted to and some accomplished nothing.

  24. 1. I did not know that the crusades were only about the holy land. I thought that the crusades meant that it was a general movement for religious beliefs. I also learned that the crusades were more than just one army headed to defeat another army. The crusades were really like complete wars between the two sides.
    2. I thought it was interesting that the people who were fighting for the holy land were not always highly religious characters. Sometimes it was simply the king or monarch of a country. I also thought it was interesting that the people did not fight for the land because it was more land, but because it was a religious landmark. It wasn't just a section of land, it had a meaning.
    3. I think that the crusades were not worth the effort in the end. I think the best thing they can do is share it. In some cases, like the Third Crusade, the two sides came up with a treaty, and both had rights to the land. I think it is possibly contradicting the point of their fight by killing other people in order to get something that would "Religiously Enlighten" them. I think that, maybe, the real lesson to be learned is that the fighting is pointless part of the crusade. Peaceful means should be used to find a solution to the fight. The side that does not think peace can rule the holy land, is the side that needs it the most, but deserves it the least.

  25. 1. One thing that I learned about the Crusades is that there were so many that did not succeed in their efforts for taking over Jerusalem. They all tried very hard, but they just couldn't pull through.
    2. The most interesting thing I learned was that in the Childrens Crusade, all the children went to fight. I don't know if I could do that if I was a child back then. They all fought for their countries and did want they believed in.
    3. No, because most of them never made it to Jerusalem. They all got defeated along the way. None of them ever made it there to see what would happen if they could take it over.

  26. I didn't know a thing about the crusades but now I do. I learned that most of the people were after the control of Jerusalem. Pope Frederick II was only in control of Jerusalem for a couple months because he had to go back to Germany. Some of the Crusades actual accomplished what they were trying to do and some failed.

  27. 1. I learned that there were 11 crusades and that a lot of the crusades didn't win.

    2. I never thought that people would let their own kids go into war with the knowing that thier kids will probably die and I also thought it was interesting that they fought for religion

    3. No I don't think they accomplished anythign all the crusades did was cause trouble I think and also a lot of the crusades were defeated.

  28. 1. I learned about pope innocent the third and all different crusades. and that didn't even know about the albigesian crusades.

    2. Most intresting I thought was doing the project of this because I didn't know much and I thought it was intresting learning about pope inccont the third

    3. no I don't think they did because my crusade didn't and others so I would say no.

  29. 1.) I though there was only one crusade. NOT 11! I didn't no they were about religion.

    2.) I learned a lot of interesting things about the crusades. For Example, I had no idea that children even were involved in a crusade let alone start one. I think it was that that a lot of children died. =(

    3.) No, many of them failed, and if they succeeded that victory went away with the next crusade. I think they were pointless.

  30. 1. I didn't know anything about them.
    2. it's crazy how children were involved.
    3. No, most of the crusades didn't win.
