Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dark Ages Video Response

Share your thoughts on at least two parts of the Dark Ages video that we watched to open our study of this time period known as the Middle Ages/Dark Ages.  You need to have at least two paragraphs. (A paragraph is considered to be 4-5 sentences with a topic sentence, the information, and a closing sentence.) This is your first blog entry for me, so I am just looking to see that we can get started.  Like I said in class, this is a new venture for our class so we need to be patient with each other and ask each other as many questions as both of us feel we need.  I look forward to our responses to topics from class. Hopefully this will create a place that is safe for you all to share your thoughts that many of you might not openly share in class.  Also, many of you probably don't think as quickly in class so this is going to be a place to share thoughts after you have had time to think about them a while.  Remember to keep your posts school appropriate.  If you have anything that you feel is questionable I would choose to NOT post and then ask me later.  Happy blogging!


  1. Thedark ages were very bad it killed a lot people of starvation because not a lot people had food and the vickings were also taking every thing from people like there gold and stuff and some warriors had to fight first to be able to get food to eat and if they had no food then they would be hungry.

    ---- promise

  2. I think the movie was very informative, i enjoyed watching it despite not getting to see very much of the plague. The plague seemed very deadly and wrecked everything good in the colonies. It would've sucked being there, let alone survivng it.

    The Barbarians were ABSOLUTLEY HORRIBlE! i don't think it wouldve been that hard to defend the villiages. but even though i think it would be easy im sure im wrong. just being attacked and not knowing when it was gonna happen again would've driven me to pay for the safety fees

  3. There was many deaths from the black plague. It killed more than 1/2 of the population. The disease came from rats. The people would have lumps and circles on the face then they would die.

    The knights raided came to land by boats. They torn down all the villages. They took there food and gold. Then they went every and a army of 50,000. They lived off of peoples food.

  4. The dark ages were terrible. People died from left and right, from diseases or random killings. They had silly rules like people doing something against the religion and then the rulers would break a different rule, hipocrits. This helped me learn how it was back then.

    The black plague was a very bad disease that killed tons of people. They had circles on they're cheeks that were disgusting. They didn't have any food because outsiders wanted it, and after they had the food they went in and killed more people and left them to suffer. Its easier to understand now why they call it the black plague.

  5. I liked when they talked about the knights. I can't believe that they killed people for so many things. When we talked about the janitors it made alot more sense to me. How lots of places don't have rules until people do things that they aren't suppose to do. I think making rules for the knights made them finally do the correct things..

    The black plague was really terrible. The circles on their cheeks were really icky looking. I can't believe how many people died. I liked how on the video they showed tons and tons of dead people on the streets, it kind of helps to show how bad it REALLY was.. I can't believe the song Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down or whatever it's called, it made up about this. And that they taught this to kids! lol

  6. The video that we watched last week in class was very informative. The events during the Dark Ages, such as the Bubonic Plague, had a considerable impact on society. The Black Plague eliminated many lives, and spread quickly. While disease ran wild, the economy was crumbling and food was short. Life had very little religion, and people worshiped pagan gods. In conclusion, this video conveyed many good points to support how the Black Death effected the lives of the people.

  7. Charlemagne was an interesting person in the Dark Ages. He became an emperor and ruled for most of his life. He was the grandson of Charles the Hammer. He started "countries". Charlemagne was one of the most important people in the Dark Ages.

    Another big thing in the Dark Ages was the conversion to Christianity. Many people with pagan gods were executed by the Christian kings. People were given a chance to change their religion, but if they did not convert, they were killed. People had monastaries built. Christianity had a big effect in the Dark Ages.

  8. The Black Plague is a terrible disease that killed a lot of people. Other then just getting this terrible disease they also had very little food. They figured out that the reason the people got the disease was because of the bugs from the mice that came with other stuff. Now I know that the Black Plague was a terrible time for many people

    Charlemagne was the emperor and was the only emperor who learned how to read and write. Many people did not know how to read and write, only the munks did. While he was emperor he changed his religion and told people if they did not get baptized then they were to be killed. Charlemagne was a smart guy who did bad things.

  9. The dark ages consisted of many terrible things. By my point of view the black pelage was one of the worst things that happened during the dark ages. The diseases spread everywhere killing half the population and it made every one crazy for food and other things to survive. Wars increased during the centuries. Knights were specially trained worriers that took over lands and scavenged for food.
    Above all this chaos there was one force that was on top and had some control, the catholic church. This was the government and everything else for the people in the Dark Ages. They set all the laws and the highest person was the pope, who was equal to god and following him was the emperor.

  10. Charlmane became the emperor and brought every one back to life. Its
    called the Dark Ages because there were a lot of deaths and take overs by warriors. The monks were defeated by the Vikings because the monks didn't have weapons.
    The Viking's Dominated mostly because they had lots of weapons when others didn't. The Dark Ages were filled with Slavery and Death. This was not good because they lost all control of learning and money

  11. During medieval times, Charlemage ruled for most of his life. He enforced many strict laws for people to obey. If they failed to do so, it would result in punishment, which often meant death. The reason Charlemagne did this was to force unity of government and bring faith into the torn countries of Europe. He had much impact during this era.

  12. I think the Dark Ages is called the Dark ages because there wasn't that much information documented during that time. Historians know very little about that time period because there's barely any original source documents. Historians also believed it was a transition period with many improvements along the way.

    The black plague was a deadly disease during the Dark Ages. It's also called the bubonic plague. It was spread through fleas that had gotten it from other animals. It killed millions of people throughout the Dark Ages.

  13. I think that the Dark Ages were a very bad time, and that starvation was just the beginning. Followed by the black plague which made it worst by killing more than half the population. Then the raiders started stealing everything and killing the monks.

    There were a lot of extra knights after the raiders started leaving and they didn't know what to do with them. So they started hiring them for protection against the other knights that would kill people for money.

  14. The Dark Ages was a terrible time in Europe. One major thing that happen during the Dark Ages was the Black Plague. It was a major medical epidemic. It was a deadly diease that hit the Dark Ages hard. It was spread through animals and then eventually got to people. It kill most of the popluation of the Dark Ages.

    During the Dark Ages the Catholic church was in charge of everyone. They were taking control of Europe. The Church gave them a choice to either join the Catholic church or stay in the religion they were in. If they did not change the church would kill them. The Catholic Church had a great part in the Dark Ages.

  15. The knights killing peasants. I thought it was interesting that the first knights were bad and when we were younger we all thought of knights as being good. But the we saw the good knights come together. Some of the knights were really mean.
    Justinian was a little crazy. He demanded all his relatives get killed. He fell in love with a beautiful dancer. She was very powerful. When Justinian wanted to leave because things were getting bad, his wife told him she's not leaving.

  16. The black plague was when there was a ton of fleas on these mice killed a ton of people. Not many survived if they were infected. The emperor survived it though, and many thought he had turned crazy. They closed down all the ports to get trade in and out so they could keep the fleas on the mice out. So then they were running out of food and many people were starving.

    Justinian was a very mean person. He had all of his relatives killed. He fell in love with this pretty dancer. She was very powerful and you shouldn't mess with her. Once things got bad Justinian wanted to leave, but she said she wasn't going to leave and he is the emperor and should take care of it.

  17. The Dark Ages in Europe was a depressinf time. The Black Plague happened during that time. It made everything harder for people. The Black Plague is a disease that could kill people pretty easily, since they didn't have a cure for it.

    On top of all that, people were also dying from starvation. Everybody would look up to the Catholic Church. The the Church was in charge of almost of Europe. Justinian killed all of his relatives except for the ones that were close to him. He wanted to leave to get away from everything. But his wife wouldn't. She was brave and she was powerful.

  18. The Dark Ages of Europe was very depressing. They had a very bad plague at the time called the Black Plague. The Black Plague killed thousands of people. They belevie that the plague came from the rats on trade ships. Many people were very poor during the Dark Ages.

    At one time in the Dark Ages the vikings raided monasteries. Viking wouldn't raid castle because it would take too long. Warrior's barely knew how to read and write. There was this one warrior that wanted to learn how to read and write. I forgot his name though...

  19. The Dark Ages was a bad time for the Eurupe. They called the Dark ages because there was a lot of fighting and it was dark and gloomy out all the time. The Vinkings were unstop able for awhile.
    Black Plague was a disease that kill lots of people. It came from lice of rats. It made the roman take over fast.

